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What Safety Specifications Should be Considered When Selecting an Entertainment Hoist?

Can a Stagemaker motor be used over people’s heads?

Electric chain hoists are available for different purposes with various fittings and safety features.  It is very important to select the correct type of electric chain hoist based on the hazards arising from conditions of use.  This information can be found in the SR Owner’s Manual supplied with the hoist.  The Stagemaker SR provides 3 different safety feature levels.

  • D8 chain hoists can be used to lift loads during set-up.  Owner’s shall ensure no-one ventures under the load.
  • D8+ chain hoists can be used to lift load during set-up and with loads at rest above people.
  • C1 chain hoists can be used to hold and move loads above people.

Can a Stagemaker motor be used to lift someone?

The Stagemaker SR hoist is not designed to lift personnel.

How loud is a motor in use?

For the most popular SR models (SR05 and SR10 3-phase), the sound intensity level measured 56 dB.  This is according to ISO 11210 and EN 14492-2 and measured from a 16’ distance.  This information can be found in the Stagemaker SR Technical Guide located on R&M’s Distributor Portal and in the SR Owner’s Manual supplied with the hoist.
